First and foremost, Bridge Investment Bank is an investment management firm

Everything we do is designed to pursue the potential in your investment portfolio. It requires a level of dedication—and even a philosophy—you simply won’t find in a conventional money management firm.

It also requires focus. It means we act as a fiduciary in the context of an individualized investment strategy. And to that end, we also recommend a comprehensive financial plan that informs asset allocation and other key decisions.


By investing in themes rather than managing to benchmarks, we often see surprising results. Our strategy is founded on:

Long-term, secular, macroeconomic focus
Global, multi-cap stocks
Rigorous individual company analysis

To satisfy shareholders and to create sustainable business models, money managers have made compromises. Unfortunately, the biggest casualty is the individual portfolio—not to mention the individual investor.

Today, most investors are presented with stylized, commoditized options that promise to “manage risk” and to deliver predictable performance.

This is especially true in equity investing. Because in reaction to growing client rosters and ever-increasing quotas, money managers have been forced to create efficiencies. And along the way, the idea of diversification has been distorted.

The premise: Diversification across small-, medium- and large-cap styles and managers will serve as a buffer against market fluctuations.

The problem: Risk isn’t a number. It’s a concept. By attempting to minimize risk, money management frequently creates over-diversification—and misses sound opportunities.


Investing in the best opportunities with real potential for sustained growth

Investing across sectors, market capitalizations and geographies

Invest across geographies, sectors, and market capitalizations

Including a fixed income strategy designed to preserve capital and generate cash flow

This is investment management the way it was always intended. Today, it can only happen in an environment that’s free from conflict—and where each investor is treated as an individual.


A good fixed income strategy preserves principal and outpaces inflation. But a conservative fixed income plan doesn’t have to be uninspired. Our approach finds answers that other firms can’t or won’t.

Fixed Income: doing what others can’t (or won’t).

Our approach to fixed income strategies is simple: we create plans that preserve capital and outpace inflation. Fixed income allocations balance the volatility in equity assets and provide reliable cash flow to meet income needs. At Bridge Investment Bank, we think dependable, conservative fixed income investing shouldn’t be staid or uninspired. After all, our clients aren’t satisfied with “good enough.” So we push further. We dig deeper, and learn everything there is to know about income vehicles. It means uncovering value through creative strategies and structures. And it means taking the time to pursue opportunities that institutionalized money managers simply avoid or ignore.

As a result, our clients are surprised by what’s possible with an inspired fixed income methodology.

Our fixed income strategy includes:
  • Customizing portfolios for each client according to liquidity needs, income requirements, and time horizons
  • Giving careful attention to each client’s tax situation
  • Considering asset classes, industry sectors and geography
  • Utilizing a diverse network of broker dealers to achieve best trade execution and price transparency
  • Focusing on high quality municipal and taxable fixed income instruments, with short and intermediate durations


Risk is a concept, not a number. It’s a big difference—with even bigger implications. Bridge Investment Bank will

Explore and understand your unique situation
Actively manage your asset allocation
Work one-on-one and design a strategy for you
Stay accessible and informed at all times
Confidence is never risky.

In the world of institutionalized money management, much attention has been paid to the idea of managing risk. Investors have been conditioned to believe that mutual funds and other products can mitigate risk and deliver “predictable” returns that parallel popular historical indexes.

There’s a fundamental flaw in this logic: Risk is not a number. It’s a concept; and it can’t be effectively “managed” without limiting the potential in an investment portfolio.

Rather than reacting to the perception of risk, the real focus of investing should be understanding market volatility and accounting for it in decision-making. In contrast, modern portfolio theory seeks to minimize risk through over-diversification. It looks backward at volatility, and manages assets to an acceptable benchmark. And too often, the results are unimpressive.

At Bridge Investment Bank, planning for volatility means we have to think differently and make better decisions. We’re curious in our study of the global economy, creative in the way we identify opportunities, diligent in our research, and intentional in our allocations. We focus on the things we understand—and look beyond conventional wisdom. As thoughtful and active managers of every client’s allocation, we pay attention to every transaction.

In short, Bridge Investment Bank has a different attitude about risk—and we take a different approach from most money managers. We apply all of our knowledge, experience and creativity to one client portfolio at a time.